A new affordable housing project on Springfield Avenue in Bridlington is under construction.
East Riding of Yorkshire Council’s development includes 30 new council homes, 24 one-bedroom flats and six two-bedroom flats.
The scheme is being supported with a £2.25m grant from Homes England and £1m from the Hull and East Riding devolution settlement, in addition to funding from East Riding of Yorkshire Council’s housing revenue account.
The project is due to be completed in May 2026.
Sustainable energy technology is being built into the homes, including air-source heat pumps and roof-mounted solar photovoltaics (PV panels), plus car parking spaces with EV charging points.
The scheme is being built on behalf of the council by Hull-based contractor Hobson & Porter.
Claire Hoskins, the council’s director of asset strategy, said: “This project will play a key role in supporting housing needs in Bridlington, and we’re delighted to work with partners to invest and expand our housing stock.”
Joe Booth, business development director from Hobson & Porter, said: “This development will provide much-needed town centre apartments for the local people of Bridlington.
“It’s great to see the investment being made by the authority and their funding partners to ensure that Bridlington has a diverse mix of council housing stock across the town. We look forward to seeing this one develop in this prominent location.”