Of the water companies serving our region only Yorkshire Water companies showed an improved environmental performance last year, climbing from a two-star to three-star rating.
Severn Trent and Anglian stayed the same, at four stars and two stars respectively, but it was noted that Anglian sat alongside Thames Water as together being responsible for more than half of serious pollution incidents. The Environment Agency has taken enforcement action against both companies.
Environment Agency Chair Alan Lovell said: “Regulators, water companies, government, eNGOs and many others all want the same thing: better environmental outcomes, including cleaner rivers and seas. We need to work together and take collective responsibility to achieve it.
“While there have been some modest improvements, it is unacceptable to still be seeing this level of pollution. We have seen a distinct culture shift from the water industry in recent months and that is welcome – but that must translate to profound, long-term change.
“The Environment Agency will play its part by transforming the way we regulate the sector. We welcome this week’s announcement on unlimited penalties which will also improve our enforcement powers.”
Ratings takes into account performance on environmental commitments such as pollution incidents and treatment work compliance. Last year, an updated reporting approach was introduced, with revised metrics and tightened performance thresholds.