Friday, January 24, 2025

Emerald Safety And Occupational Health Consultants Ltd

Emerald Safety and Occupational Health Consultants Ltd is a unique company offering both Health and Safety (HS) and Occupational Health (OH) services.

The uniqueness of our business means that you can access relevant information from one supply source.

  • Good Health and Safety is a good business essential.
  • Good Health is essential in everything we do at home or at work.

In combining these two issues we hope to be able to provide a singular or a combined solution to your workplace issues.

With the uncertainty caused by Brexit and its impact on Health and Safety legislation it is of vital importance that businesses remain compliant with the law. There are divided opinions as to how Health and Safety legislation should be implemented after Brexit.

We can assist you in the interpretation of legal requirements so that you can maintain your current best practice systems of working procedures and also assist in the implementation of any new or changes to legislation

We can provide a consultancy service on your Health and Safety Management Systems (HS-MS) whether they are ISO 45001, OHSAS18001 HSG65 standards, or bespoke designed systems that are designed to help you maintain the efficiency and effectiveness of your HS processes.

In meeting your Health and Safety standards it is essential to maintain your employee’s competence levels.

We provide a range of Health and Safety training courses through our own registered centre or from an Associated National training provider.

Our training courses are aimed at understanding WHY safety is important and not just the interpretation of the relevant legislation. Working with you, we aim to provide the training that you require to keep your employee’s healthy and safe.

Please visit our web site to see the range of training courses that we can provide.

The importance of maintaining a healthy workforce is a key objective of our company provision.

We want Employers and Employees to understand that a Healthy workforce is a happy workforce and a Happy workforce is a more productive workforce.

It is important to remember that your employees are your most valuable asset and ensuring their health and well being will greatly reduce the impact upon your business.

As an Occupational Health business 75% of our Health consultancy work is in dealing with Mental Health issues, such as Stress, Anxiety, Bullying, and Work Load to name but a few.

Mental health issues are increasingly being discussed in all forms of the media. Many in the Media think that Employers should do more to manage these mental health issues.

A recent BBC report identified that Mental Health issues cost Employers

approximately £38 billion in absenteeism, lost production and poor worker performance. The cost to the NHS was approximately £77 billion each year.

We have experience of working with a broad range of companies in helping them deal with their workplace health issues.

The primary importance of an employer in dealing with health issues is to recognise the associated health issues within work practices and then to implement safe systems to eliminate or minimise the health-related impacts.

This is done from the selection process all the way through to retirement.

To manage an employee’s health and wellbeing the employer needs to understand the health problems associated with the work activities and implement the required Health Surveillance programmes to monitor and measure the effectiveness of their work procedures. Legal compliance and company standards require Health surveillance.

We can provide a variety of health surveillance, such as Chester Step fitness testing, Lung Function Testing, Audiometric (Hearing) Testing, Hand Arm Vibration (HAV’s) monitoring, Fork Lift Truck (FLT’s) medicals and Skin surveillance.

We also provide a sickness Absence Management service for those employees who are absent from work through ill health issues.

Absence Management is designed to support the Employer and the Employee, and advise on the requirements to facilitate an Employee’s safe return to work

Please visit our web site to see the range of Occupational Health services that we provide.

Health issues can have a devastating effect on an individual, the workforce and the employer, therefore, it is crucial that employers understand that many of the health issues associated with work activities will require a proactive approach and will often require long term management. Efforts made to understand the health effect from work activities and identifying suitable and effective control strategies will reduce the financial and operational impact to your business.