West Lindsey District Council has teamed up with Savoy Cinemas for the delivery of a £9m town centre regeneration project including a four-screen cinema, restaurant, retail units and car parking.
Savoy Cinemas MD James Collington, said: “We are delighted to be part of this exciting regeneration initiative of Gainsborough town centre. The area has undergone significant change over the last few years, and it still has huge potential to develop further. We are looking forward to commencing work on the development and welcoming you through our doors on opening night.”
The development will be funded through contributions from the Council, the Greater Lincolnshire Local Enterprise Partnership, the government’s Levelling Up Fund and Savoy Cinemas.
Leader of West Lindsey District Council, Cllr Trevor Young, said: “We are thrilled to finally be able to announce our deal with Savoy Cinemas. As a local family cinema operator, Savoy shares the Council’s passion for investing in Gainsborough, with a development that will breathe life back into our town centre.”
Director of Planning Regeneration and Communities at West Lindsey District Council, Sally Grindrod-Smith,said: “This has been an incredibly challenging site to bring forward. The Council was required to step in and acquire the land, lead the demolition of the former Lindsey Centre and secure grant funding to make the scheme viable. This is all part of our enabling role.
“The eagerly anticipated development will significantly contribute to the town’s local economy, increasing footfall, dwell time and spend. It will add to the town’s leisure offer, servicing local residents and encouraging new visitors to the town.”
The development will provide a new walking link between Marshall’s Yard and the historic market place, where further investment from the Levelling Up Fund and National Lottery Townscape Heritage Initiative, is rejuvenating the historic marketplace.
The scheme has also been designed to be environmentally efficient, through the inclusion of solar panels and air sourced heat technology. It will also enhance the setting of the Town Centre Conservation Area through its historic design and use of high-quality materials.