North East Lincolnshire Council has won the inaugural England-wide ‘All Round Business-Friendly Award’ in a new scheme launched by the Federation of Small Businesses to highlight support given to firms by local authorities.
The Council won its award for taking an innovative approach to developing a comprehensive programme of engagement and support to local SMEs. Projects have included the provision of start-up funding, business workshops and events and business festivals, and providing sector specific business growth and investment advisors.
More than 400 entries were received, across four categories:
- Covid-19 Support and Recovery
- Programme of Business Support
- Future-Ready
- All-round Small Business Friendly
North East Lincolnshire was one of only four local authorities throughout the country to receive ‘nationwide’ awards, and only 36 awards were made from the 400-plus entries.
Hull City Council was recognised for its COVID-19 Support for businesses, and ran a project focussed on Young Entrepreneurs. They worked to identify gaps in support with bodies such as ExcludedUK, FSB and other agencies. The project included direct 1-1 support for over 260 young entrepreneurs; in addition they established a network of over 80 mentors to help current and aspiring young entrepreneurs. In identifying the gaps they organised a campaign to raise their concerns and needs including framing questions for MPs to ask and framing statements direct to Treasury Ministers. The team also raised over £112k to give excluded enterprising young people grants to help pivot their businesses. Support was delivered via innovative means and also recognised the mental health impact of COVID on the entrepreneurs with wellbeing support and grants being provided.
Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council committed to achieve net zero carbon within the council by 2040, and across the borough by 2045. The council partnered with the Barnsley Business Innovation Centre to launch the Net Zero Accelerator. The Net Zero Accelerator was a project of free and intensive support for businesses based in the Barnsley area who had high impact potential for contributing to the net zero carbon emission targets. Support included in person, peer to peer, training and information.
Martin McTague, National Chair of the Federation of Small Businesses, said: “Local government has an important responsibility in supporting small businesses and the self-employed. Engagement with councils and local authorities is a significant part of FSB’s work and it’s good to be able to recognise and congratulate those in England that have stepped up, been innovative and really helped their small businesses.
“As well as creating thriving local economies and providing employment, local businesses also contribute greatly to communities and a sense of place and it’s vital that councils recognise these smaller businesses and do all they can to help them to thrive.
“It’s been tremendous to read about the vast support that councils are providing to our small businesses, not just from our winners but across all of the awards entries.”