Growing concerns about delivery drivers ignoring traffic regulations and using Lincoln’s pedestrianised High Street when they’re not allowed to do so has promoted action from the authorities, with strict enforcement starting next month.
Lincoln Business Improvement Group is working with City of Lincoln Council, Lincolnshire County Council and Lincolnshire Police to address the challenges created by delivery vehicles navigating crowded pedestrian areas throughout the day, posing a threat to public safety. This is despite Traffic Regulation Orders clearly stating that within Lincoln City Centre, there is no loading or unloading allowed from 10am – 4pm every day.
Whilst Lincoln BIG understands delivery drivers play a crucial role in ensuring goods reach their destinations promptly, there has been a rise in the number of delivery vans and trucks present on Lincoln’s High Street during active pedestrian times, with CCTV recording between more than a dozen delivery vehicles in the city centre every day in breach of the traffic regulation order..
A spokesman said: “There are a number of steps that have been taken to bring about change. Signage has been updated to ensure enforcement can take place, the number of official drop off points are being increased and they will be proactively promoted to delivery companies. Enforcement will restart in June 2024 with an initial period of informing those who continue to misuse the area. Strict enforcement will restart at the beginning of July.
“We are encouraging businesses to make sure their delivery companies are aware of the restrictions being reintroduced and the new drop off points. We will also be reminding the delivery firms directly that there is a risk of invalidating their insurance cover should they fail to take account of the regulations.”