The next step towards the complete transformation of Grimsby Town Centre’s Alexandra Dock area is being taken.
Following approval at a meeting of North East Lincolnshire Council’s Cabinet, initial work will begin to look at an overall vision for the waterside land and how it could be redeveloped.
This will focus on the potential to transform brownfield areas in and around Alexandra Dock. This investigative work will run alongside a refresh of the town centre masterplan, and a look at the current infrastructure in the area – including the highways and public transport.
In a report to Cabinet members, it was outlined how funding of up to £500,000 is potentially available from Homes England and MHCLG (Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government) over the financial years 2024/25 and 2025/26.
If the council was successful in securing some of that funding, it would be used to support the progression of plans. Fuller details would be outlined in future Cabinet papers, adds the report.
It goes on to highlight how this redevelopment, as well as changes that have taken place, or are in progress, are in line with ideas outlined in the Grimsby Town Centre Masterplan. The current plan, which will now be refreshed and updated, was the basis for multi-million pound funding bids to Government, which were successful and have supported the work so far.
This has included the new Garth Lane bridge leading to the redesigned walkways, grass areas and river embankments, the new OnSide Horizon Youth Zone, and the plans for 123 new homes on land bought by the council.
There’s also the Freshney Place Leisure, Foodhall and Market scheme, the new-look Riverhead Square, E-Factor’s redevelopment of St James’ House, the work on St James’ Square and visual improvements to Victoria Street.
North East Lincolnshire Council Leader, Cllr Philip Jackson, whose portfolio includes regeneration, said after the meeting: “Giving people reasons to visit, live in and enjoy our town centre means it must diversify and we are making great strides in doing just that.
“We must now continue on this transformation path, and this is the next step that can be taken with the support of partners and those around us.”