A £12m boost to two of Sheffield City Council’s affordable housebuilding programmes will deliver new council homes at a social rent in Sheffield.
The grant, awarded through the Homes England Affordable Housing Programme, will support the Council’s plans to increase council housing provision and homes for social rent at two sites in the city, as part of its ambition to provide up to 1,000 new affordable council homes by 2029.
At the Newstead development in the Birley area, the £12m funding will support the Council to provide 41 homes and 36 flats for general needs at social rent, and a further 35 houses will be delivered at Corker Bottoms, just off the Sheffield Parkway. The council are also bringing forward 12 houses for shared ownership at Corker Bottoms, alongside partners at Sheffield Housing Company.
The Council’s Finance and Performance Committee will now meet on Monday 17th March to formalise accepting the grant.
Cllr Hunt, Leader of Sheffield City Council, said: “Across the city we are working hard to increase the number of new homes in our city. Good quality homes are fundamental for enabling everyone to live happy, healthy lives.
“The government and Homes England have taken extremely significant, positive action to support councils to increase the building of council housing. Council homes transform lives and this grant will support our partnership working to increase affordable housing in city.”
Eamonn Boylan, Chief Executive of Homes England, said: “Increasing the supply of quality affordable homes, working hand-in-glove with local leaders and communities, is a huge part of what we do as the government’s housing and regeneration agency.
“Understanding the needs of local communities is vital and we’re delighted to be supporting Sheffield City Council to achieve their ambitions, including their aim to create up to 1,000 new affordable homes by 2029.”