A new trilateral deal with the EU and Norway has secured UK fisheries more than 290,000 tonnes of North Sea stocks, worth up to £310m based on historic landing prices.
The deal agreed catch limits on six fish stocks including cod, haddock and herring in the North Sea and other waters around the UK.
Fisheries Minister Daniel Zeichner says the opportunities secured by the UK will support a sustainable and economically successful fishing sector, which in turn will back coastal communities by providing local jobs and boost economic growth.
The agreement also highlights all parties’ continued commitment to ensure the long-term sustainability of shared stocks.
Sustainability is at the heart of the UK’s approach to negotiations, pushing for decisions based on the best available science to protect key stocks and support the long-term viability of the UK fishing industry.
Advice from scientists at the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea is the starting point for the UK’s approach and, where possible, catch limits have been set at or below these advised levels. Economic and social considerations are appropriately balanced alongside this scientific advice.
The outcome of annual fisheries negotiations will be published in the Secretary of State determination of fishing opportunities for British boats by the end of the year.