Next year’s edition of the Guinness Book of World Records names Hornsea 2, off the east coast of our region, as the world’s largest windfarm in capacity.
The book records: “Highest-capacity offshore wind farm. Hornsea 2 is a 1,320-MW wind farm built by Danish firm Ørsted some 89km (55.3miles) off the coast of Yorkshire, UK. The facility’s 165 turbines were declared operational on 31 Aug 2022. At maximum efficiency, the turbines can generate enough power for 1.4 million homes.’
This feat of engineering was built through Covid-19, battling with restrictions, and self-isolation rules. The 165 mighty turbines stand at over 200m tall, with most of the blades being delivered from the Siemens Gamesa factory in Hull. One rotation of the blades on each turbine generates enough electricity to power a home for 24 hours. In September 2022, AXA IM Alts and Crédit Agricole Assurances together purchased 50% of the windfarm for £3 billion.
Duncan Clark, Head of UK and Ireland at Ørsted, said: “This fantastic achievement has come from years of hard work planning, building, and now maintaining Hornsea 2. Being named by the Guinness Book of World Records is recognition that we’re immensely proud of. There are too many people to thank, but each and everyone’s efforts has made this happen. Thank you all for your continued hard work.”