North East Lincolnshire Council has been given a £50,000 from Government’s Brownfield Land Release Fund to clear a disused site in Grimsby.
The site, on the former Weelsby depot site, off Weelsby Avenue near the crematorium, will be subject to initial groundwork to help prepare it for future development.
Work on the site is likely to entail demolition of the existing buildings, and clearing the site.
The groundworks will be commissioned in the coming months, and subject to costs coming within budget, initial clearance and remediation works could start in 2023. Once the groundworks have been completed, this site will likely be issued to the market as a small housing site for approximately 25 houses.
Council leader Philip Jackson said: “I’m really pleased to see our bid for funding for this site backed by Government – for the good of the environment, using brownfield sites has to be our preference where we can.
“We continue to work with Homes England on trying to secure the funding for other brownfield sites in the borough.”
Once the work is commissioned, local residents will receive further information regarding the works.
The project has been developed with the support of the Brownfield Land Release Funding (BLRF2) and the One Public Estate programme.